
My quest to wanting a baby stemmed from my teenage years after my mum died suddenly. I suspected I may have issues conceiving due to PCOS (Polycystic ovary syndrome). Although I had been to the doctors, there was very little help and support. After seven years we...

The most comforting step in my journey was knowing that someone else could relate to what I was going through. Back in 2018, following my late miscarriage I shared the news on social media. An old school friend reached out to me and I later learned...

Zachary was stillborn 11 days overdue. He'd be 9½ years old now and I'd probably still be with my wife. That day started a downward spiral. Six months later an unplanned pregnancy ended in a late miscarriage. Then a healthy boy was born, Samson. The...

After going through a late miscarriage, Tania took pen to paper and wrote this poignant poem in tribute to her experience and her baby, Mika. Stepping stones that all lead to being alone. Faltering, running, falling. Crying, screaming, calling. Empty words upon a headstone. Sinking stones that always lead to...

We were so excited when we found out I was pregnant, so excited. I love being a mum and this new addition was rejoiced over. We told our close family with great joy!At 7 weeks, I started to have terrible pain in my side, I...

We've experienced 5 losses now. Our first being a delivered miscarriage, a living baby girl born in 2017 & 4 recurrent losses since her birth, our last being an Ectopic Pregnancy ending with chemotherapy treatment.After our little girl was born I often felt that we...

I suffered a missed miscarriage 4 years ago this December coming. It was not expected and very traumatising for us. It still effects me today. Time has passed and the pain isn't everyday but there are always the what if's, who would she of looked...

Our world crumbled the moment it was confirmed. At 11 weeks and 6 days pregnant, we found out that our baby's heart was no longer beating. We had watched that little flicker just a few weeks ago and now it was gone. We were on our...

Isaac is our little baby boy who died at 4 days old due to a heart condition called Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome. We were told the diagnosis at 22 weeks pregnant and decided to go ahead with comfort care for our little boy. We were...

My son Ethan passed away at 5 weeks old due to catching a virus that wasn't detected in time, which then progressed into viral meningitis. Due to that not being found in time, it then attacked Ethan's heart muscles causing him to suffer from heart...