
Our angel Jacob is our loved and cherished firstborn baby. He was stillborn at 31 weeks due to COVID, which had infected my placenta and blocked blood flow to him. The day after I finished isolating, I noticed reduced movements, so we went to hospital....

My beautiful daughter died in 2014 at Great Ormond Street Hospital from a rare heart condition. She was 89 days old. Since her death my life has changed irrevocably and the stepping stones taken in a daily basis are always done with her beside me. The pain doesn’t...

I never knew pain until I woke up from my emergency c-section at 30 weeks and was told my baby died. Life has changed in so many ways forever. My relationship with his dad ended because I went down a black hole. To say the least I...

  We lost our only child, to necrotising enterocolitis (NEC), aged seven weeks. Our daughter had also been diagnosed with a life limiting genetic condition at a prenatal screening. Almost 4 out of every 5 babies born with full Trisomy 18 don't make it to one year. Sarina...

2016 was the year. My husband and I decided we were ready to try for a child. Having already had a four-year-old daughter, we were keen to give her a sibling. We were in good health and were happy, so it really felt like a...

My name is Katie, here is my story: I was pregnant back in 2018, after losing a baby prior it was worrying. However everything was perfect. I went to my 20 week scan, although very anxious, everything was going well. We decided to do a...

Eddie and I made the decision to try for our much-wanted family and by March 2019, I was pregnant. We were both so happy. Having supportive families, we told them early on. Naturally I was a little anxious but nothing prepared us for the journey we...