Rianna’s Story

Rianna’s Story


Before lockdown had started, I found out I was pregnant with my second baby.

I was feeling very tired, kept fainting, and had bleeding that looked like a period so i was referred to the early pregnancy unit for a scan.

I was told everything was ok and baby was doing great.  I reached 12 weeks and was due to find out my baby’s gender. I was so excited.

But the nurse gave me some upsetting news that the babies heart valve on the left side wasn’t functioning properly.

I was then told the baby seemed to have cleft palate.

I was completely broken.

I was then referred to a specialist pregnancy unit to have an invasive test.

It was identified that the baby has something called Patau’s syndrome.

I was told that; the baby wouldn’t survive past 1 years old, I’d possibly give birth to a still born, or have to terminate the pregnancy.

At 18 weeks I decided to terminate, and it was the hardest decision I have ever made. My heart will forever be broken.

20.04.20 I said goodbye to my angel.

There are many organisations that offer support to anyone affected by pregnancy and baby loss.

ARC offers support for bereaved families who have experienced a TFMR.

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