Our theme for 2022: Stepping Stones

Our theme for 2022: Stepping Stones

This year, during Baby Loss Awareness Week we will be exploring the idea of Stepping Stones and how this relates to each person’s bereavement journey.


After pregnancy loss or the death of  baby, bereaved parents and other family members find themselves on a new path they never expected to be on. We know this path is not a straight line and that everyone’s journey is unique.

Together with anyone affected by loss, we want to explore the steps along that journey, and how they are different for everyone. Some steps along the journey can feel harder than others, but there is always a hand to support anyone when they feel unsteady. 

We want to reassure anyone who finds themselves on this journey, whether recently bereaved or longer ago, that there is a community that exists to help with whatever is needed, whether that is advice, support or simply someone to listen and walk by their side. 

Ways to get involved in Baby Loss Awareness Week 2022

We’d love you to take a step with us during #BLAW 2022 by joining in one or more of the following actions:

    • Share your experience of pregnancy or baby loss and the steps you’ve taken on your bereavement journey. We’re keen to hear how people commemorate their babies’ lives, mark special days, and what has helped you cope with life after loss.
    • Ask a building or landmark in your area to light up Pink and Blue during the Week or find out how to light up your own home! Let us know about your successes and share your Pink and Blue photos and videos tagged #BLAW.
    • You could create a Ribbon Remembrance display in your local area that other bereaved parents and families can visit and add their own ribbons. Find out about how Maria created a display for her daughter Laura.
    • Organise or join a Remembrance Event in your local community and come together to offer understanding and support to anyone affected by pregnancy loss or the death of a baby.

There are also lots of simple yet meaningful actions you can take to help raise awareness and commemorate the baby or babies who are always loved, never forgotten:

However you choose to get involved, do remember that this week is for you and your baby or babies. We don’t want anyone to feel under pressure to take action or post on social media about their loss.

Simply being part of a community and knowing you are not alone may be enough, and it’s important to look after your wellbeing. We know some people can find Baby Loss Awareness Week overwhelming at times so do take breaks when you need to. 

Whenever you need support there are lots of organisations that offer this – find the right support for you.

If Baby Loss Awareness Week is a new step on your bereavement journey you can find out more about the Week and other ways to get involved.

Thank you for supporting Baby Loss Awareness Week 2022.

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