Your Stories

Here you can read about the experiences of bereaved parents, family members and friends affected by pregnancy or baby loss.


We are very grateful to everyone who has shared their stories of loss with us and they help us to raise awareness of the issues surrounding pregnancy or baby loss, and also help other bereaved parents and families to feel less alone.

Due to an extremely high-risk pregnancy, I was stuck giving birth to my son at 22 weeks at Mission Hospital in Asheville, NC. The subchorionic hematoma in my uterus was twice the size of him and ended up putting both of us at risk so we...

Jagger Rain Wilson was born on July 7, 2022 via emergency c-section. He was a little brother and our second son. We loved him so much. He appeared to be thriving, until one morning. It was August 17, 2022, I woke up to find our baby boy...

Me and my partner started our IVF/ICSI journey in January 2022. All was going successful until I had my frozen embryo transfer in August, and then when we attended the 8 week scan at ACS Glasgow Royal Infirmary we got told the news we feared hearing,...

In December of 1972 at the age of 24 I gave birth to a boy. 5 weeks early. 5lbs 10z. He died about 36 hours later. This is almost 50 years ago. Only my mother talks about the loss. I went on to have 2 healthy boys....

I’d given up hope of fulfilling my dream of becoming a mummy. So when I found ‘The One' my dream got closer to reality. We were ecstatic when we got pregnant, naturally, at age 41! I was heartbroken when at 9 weeks I miscarried our...

Joseph was born June 26th 1983 at 28 weeks and Joseph lived for 9 hours. We lost his twin at 3 months and his sister on 23rd March 1982 at 24 weeks after suffering a stillbirth. These dates are ingrained in my memory and I can...

I was 16 when I gave birth to Josh. He passed away the day after. At 19 I gave birth to Jacob, he also passed away the next day. This year Joshua should have been 28 and Jacob should have been 25. I miss them as...

In 2005 when I was 24yrs old my son at 9 days old died unexpectedly in my bed. I woke to his cold lifeless body next to me. We tried endlessly to revive him, and so did the paramedics and hospital staff. I quite honestly do...

I lost my daughter Millie in 1999. I was only 22 when I fell pregnant and my scans up to 20 weeks were all normal and without alarm. It wasn’t until I got to 31 weeks and I hadn’t felt her move that I started to...

We lost our son Brody on 25-8-17 when he was stillborn at 39+3weeks. The previous day my waters had gone and I went into hospital to be checked over and all was OK. I was sent home for labour to kick off and an induction...