stillbirth Tag

I lost my daughter on 22/05/15, due to the fact that she had a heart deficiency, two weeks after I got married to my now ex-husband. My whole world was turned upside down when I longed for a child/children for many years. My first and only...

Zachary was stillborn 11 days overdue. He'd be 9½ years old now and I'd probably still be with my wife. That day started a downward spiral. Six months later an unplanned pregnancy ended in a late miscarriage. Then a healthy boy was born, Samson. The...

Jack was my 4th child. My pregnancy with Jack was trouble free and at 39 weeks I went into labour. Labour did not progress and I was discharged, but 5 days later I woke and 'felt different'. My baby belly felt 'firmer' and had risen up...

Joseph was born June 26th 1983 at 28 weeks and Joseph lived for 9 hours. We lost his twin at 3 months and his sister on 23rd March 1982 at 24 weeks after suffering a stillbirth. These dates are ingrained in my memory and I can...

We lost our son Brody on 25-8-17 when he was stillborn at 39+3weeks. The previous day my waters had gone and I went into hospital to be checked over and all was OK. I was sent home for labour to kick off and an induction...

In January 2018 I was rushed into theatre for what traumatically became life-saving surgery for myself to resect over 17 feet of my small intestine due to a volvulus. I was 7 months pregnant at the time with our daughter Isabella and tragically she lost...

My name is Emma and I fell pregnant with my son in 2019. Our pregnancy was textbook and we just spent all of our time planning our future as a family. Two days after my due date contractions began, we called the hospital, loaded the...

Friday 31st May 2019 at 20 weeks and 3 days I gave birth to the most beautiful sleeping baby boy. I will never forget those words the midwife said to me when she told me my baby no longer had a heart beat. Our exciting faces...

When we found out that I was pregnant in October 2021, we were both excited and ever so nervous. As this was my first pregnancy I didn't know what to expect. I had a perfect textbook pregnancy, however, a few times I had a little niggle...

Our angel Jacob is our loved and cherished firstborn baby. He was stillborn at 31 weeks due to COVID, which had infected my placenta and blocked blood flow to him. The day after I finished isolating, I noticed reduced movements, so we went to hospital....